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Our Charitable Activities

Deeside Silver Band is a charity registered with the Charity Commission - number 509342

Our object, in formal terms, is the following :

To educate the public in the musical arts and in particular the art of brass band playing and to further the development of public appreciation and taste in the said art by the presentation of concerts and similar activities.

How do we achieve this object?

What benefits from our activities?

Our main activities are musical training and public performance. Although these have been curtailed in recent months  due to covid restrictions, we will resume these as soon as conditions allow.

Our training band has operated for many years, and indeed we are still supporting a number of learners through zoom meetings. We support learners with free tuition and the loan of instruments and music, without charge.

Some learners go on to join our senior band or other local bands. Some have gone on to become professional musicians. ALL have learnt the skills of basic musicianship - concentration, mental agility, posture, good breathing, teamwork, social awareness, to name but a few.

While most of or learners have been young people, we do attract older people too. Some of our senior band players started when they accompanied their children to learning sessions, reversing the usual order of recruitment to bands. Some also learn after retirement, preferring the challenge of brass playing to strumming the ukulele.

Public performances by brass and silver bands are a valued part of many traditional community activities through Britain and beyond, and we play our part in this aspect. Prior to covid we played indoors and outdoors for fetes, civic ceremonies, remembrance services and carol services. Last year we did a limited number of outdoor caroling sessions. This year, in addition to playing at a remembrance service locally we will be doing a full ca lender of caroling events.

What are our expenses?

Maintaining a band in performing condition incurs a number of expenses. We must pay for rehearsal space, insurance on instruments, instrument repair, uniform upkeep and periodic replacement, the purchase of new music and number of other essentials.

How do we fund our activities?

All band members pay membership fees. These are fairly low, as we do not wish to exclude players with limited finances. many members, however, make extra donations from time to time, for various reasons. Members also give freely of significant amounts of time for rehearsal and private practice, as well their travelling expenses to and from band activities.

We make a charge when we play at private or commercially organised events. We reduce this for community events and sometimes waive it completely.  

We accept and are grateful for donations from the public when we play for them at various events. That shows us the value of our efforts.

December 2021.

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